Re: First time here in ages...

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 09:55:12 -0700

My, my,

I wake to controversy and drama.

My favorite part is by

Matthew Cole wrote:
> Please accept this posting in the spirit which it is meant - hope for
> reconciliation...

I am not the boss of this list, first of all. It is the one list I try to read every day.
It's about Glorantha, and if I am publicly answering a question, it will most likely be there.

When it's not about Glorantha it's a waste of time, and I know there are other formats to complain in. I'm here for Glorantha, and to see what other people think of it. That's what I want to see.

Internet communication protocols are unruly and people say things and act online in ways they would never do in public. When we are looking at each other with these monkey-controlled eyes, then social moderation enforces itself. We are civil. Online, we stumble about for a way to be polite in a medium that fascinates, but is entirely inadequate. I am sure everyone does the best we can. Much is excusable.

No one is perfect, and I'm happy with the job Jeff is doing. Thank you Jeff, Trotsky and other moderators who help Glorantha.

But I'd like to get back, and keep it to, Glorantha.

    Greg Stafford
    President, Issaries. Inc.

Love without reserve, 
Enjoy without restraint, 
Live without dead time.


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