
From: Michael Demetro <punkabillymick_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 12:01:38 -0400

I see HeroQuest p. 76. Modifiers seem to be added to or subtracted from the ability/skill of the owner and never that of the opponent. They also seem not to effect APs. So it seems weapons and armour add just add to your ability or skill each round and that is all. Weapons are not about damage (such as adding to AP transfer) and armour is not about subtracting from your opponent's ability or lowering your transferred APs.

How do people like to use modifiers, especially when they are weapons and armour in combat?

How do you find HeroQuest modifiers comparing to Hero Wars edges?

Thanks again. All the best,

Michael Demetro

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