Re: Modifiers

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:39:30 -0700

While due for revision in HQ2...

>I see HeroQuest p. 76. Modifiers seem to be added to or subtracted from the
> ability/skill of the owner and never that of the opponent.

Correct. Your equipment (or whatever other modifier you have ) affects *you*, not your opponent. If you want to affect your opponent, you have to take some sort of action against him or her. Some environmental modifiers might affect both opponents (fighting on a slippery sheet of Ice, for example).

> They also seem
> not to effect APs. So it seems weapons and armour add just add to your
> ability or skill each round and that is all.

Modifiers are part of the starting target number, and so *are* included in the starting AP total.
Frex, if you have an ability of 17, and equipment or circumstance that adds a total +6 mods, your final target number is 3w and you have 23 starting AP.

If you later change equipment (say, lose your "Superior 2-handed Sword" and have to draw your "Small Knife"), your target number may change, but this is *not* reflected in your current AP total.

Note that you do *not* worry about subtracting handicaps from edges, or whether you are attacking or defending this roll - both offensive and defensive equipment is factored into the target number all the time.

>Weapons are not about damage
> (such as adding to AP transfer) and armour is not about subtracting from
> your opponent's ability or lowering your transferred APs.

Correct. Equipment in HQ (as opposed to HW) gives you having an overall (dis)advantage against your opponent by modifying your target number (and starting APs), rather than affecting dice roll results via the edge/handicap mechanism. A lot of the reason for this was to allow a contest to be declared Simple or Extended as desitred by the players/GM, rather than as stipulated in a printed advenbture. Because edges only affect AP transfer, they couldn't be used in Simple contests, since simple contests don't use APs.

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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