Re: Re: HQ 2

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 2009 21:13:20 -0400

epweissengruber wrote:

>Laws raises the point that the characters in stories do not really
"improve" over time.

Far too broad a statement. Lots do, depending on the story.

>Does Kirk become better and scoring Green Skinned Babes?

Not in Star Trek.

Does Harry Potter get better at magic?

And regardless from that, even if they don't "improve", lots of them change.

>So if, by following Robin's rules, your characters should be facing a
5w challenge and your Zombie overlord has 17w in most of his ratings

Your Zombie Overlord doesn't have ratings in HQ2.

>Let's put LoTR in Heroquest terms. Frodo dodges the Ringwraith not
because of some super-huge bonus provided by the Ring, but because at this point in the story his "Hide" ability of 17 was more than >enough to overcome the moderate challenge that Laws' rules led the Narrator to set.

Um... when?

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