Re: Re: HQ 2

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 00:34:25 -0400

Matthew Cole wrote:
> Imagine if a screenwriter or novelist
>were to detail the spinning-up procedure of even the most important
>character every time there is a conflict?

Just about every anime ever. OK, not every one. But most of the Magical Girl genre. Voltron. Quite a few others. The transformation sequence, which is basically spinning up, is repeated just about every time.

So it would make perfect sense in that genre.

>This is not to say that there can be only one use for the HQ rules!
Not so!
>I think it's worth noting that only minimal work is required to play in a
>more recognisably traditional way. Perhaps the freshness test on
augments or
>even the limit-of-one would be the first things to go when converting?

Possibly. Having not seen the freshness test (not having the rules) I can't say much about that.
The one-augment rule seems easy enough to house rule using HQ1 or something similar as a guide.


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