Re: How much Background is enough for the players

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:11:27 -0500

I presume you mean specifically in Glorantha or are one shots ok for anything?

For One shots in a genre, I think the bare minimum you need to get people to be roughly on board with the conventions you will be judging credibility test by is what I have found works best.

For some genres you can say, "It's a spaghetti western" and all your players know just what to expect. (Some might not.) IF you say it's a Pulp Fiction, you might need to explain more. If you say, we're playing in The Sword of Truth series and all your friends have read those books, they should know what to expect.

The less you have to make up specific genre rules, the better. (If everyone has watched Star Wars, then you don't need to make up rules for Jedi Knights - just give them the keyword Jedi Knight and work based on credibility tests from that.)

As for Glorantha... I've had very little success introducing people to Glorantha. I personally had the most success with a group who was ok with not having party play, and having everyone make someone who ended up in Karse right after the Lunar invasion. I gave them a very rough background of the world nearby, and then as they pitched character concepts worked with them to get it fairly Gloranthan. I still suspect the "build a clan from scratch with your players" would work pretty well, too.


Manuel MOLINIER wrote:
> Hi All,
> from the answer to my previous question I see that some of you have run
> multiple sessions (playtest or others) with people who never played
> Heroquest or in Glorantha before.
> As I'm using more and more Heroquest both for 1 shots and to be back into
> Glorantha I would like to ask for your advice and your experience on how
> much background is enough for players to start with, and what you have
> seen
> as the most efficient:
> - For 1 shots..
> - When introducing Glorantha to newcomers.
> Thanks in advance for the advice,

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