Re: How much Background is enough for the players

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:51:05 -0500

Manuel MOLINIER wrote:
> Hi,
> I was not clear enough:
> 1 Shots: mainly not in Glorantha. I run games as an organizer at a local
> meetup group every month and have to fill up for missing table with people
> showing to play sometime without having a clue of which game are offered.

Quick note, I have found that if you and they know a game world pretty well and are willing to let go of system-specific knowledge, you can play in that world really well.

"We're playing Vampires in World of Darkness - the old setting, with Camarilla".

Assuming they've all played before, they all know more or less what people can do, what the clans mean, etc - but all of a sudden char gen takes 10 minutes and no one has to balance all their points over a dozen different things.
> I really like the HQ System for running this as I mainly have to focus on
> the story we want to tell and not on the gritty details of which rule system
> we use. This gives the players and GM a very high sense of accomplishment
> for a relatively short play time.

100 percent agree.

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