Re: Dungeon Bashing with HQ2?

From: Manuel MOLINIER <manuel.molinier_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 10:28:23 +0100

I don't know if I would try but you can always run the "non combat" encounters with HQ2.0 without any adaptation. For combat you can either make an extended contest against all those oponents or run every "round" as a simple contest until an opponent is not able to stand. The miniatures or detailed maps being used as a reference for which contests are actives on any given "round". Personnally if I had to I would go for the extended contest.

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:20 AM, andrew.d.scott_at_... < andrew.d.scott_at_...> wrote:

> What challenges should I expect to meet running a traditional dungeon bash
> using HQ2? Is such a thing even possible? Should I approach it with maps and
> keyed encounter locations or something more abstract?
> If you've done something like this (or are planning to) I'd be interested
> in throwing some ideas around.

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