Re: Applying the Base Resistance to my Ongoing Campaign

From: Gavain Sweetman <gavain.sweetman_at_...>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 13:13:30 +0000 (GMT)

> differentcomputers <mdawson_at_...>
>Clearly my situation is an outlier. In fact, I'm quite proud of being so.

> I began The Rass Campaign in the year 2000. Until this summer when job changes caused our first serious hiatus, I have run the campaign pretty consistently, most Mondays, since then.

Sounds similar to my situation. I have been running a game for my kids for the last 6 years.

> So, as I switch to HQ v2, looks like I need to set the base resistance to 14 + (360/2) = 194 which is 14W9.
> :D

Since the kids haven't been that focused on playing as opposed to socialising :-)) I had the same problem, until I realised that the base resistance of 14 is roughly the average skill of a brand new character. So now I translated their sheets in to HQ2, which mostly involved stripping out skills that they hadn't spend any points on. Then I averaged all the skills to work out the base resistance :-)) Only tested it in a couple of sessions now but looks OK to me.

This was all made easier because I have all the character sheets in word files, so a quick copy and paste into excel means the averages can be quickly calculated.


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