Re: What are you doing with HeroQuest?

From: Kevin McDonald <kpmcdona_at_...>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 13:19:32 -0400

I am taking a break from Glorantha and HQ in my gaming right now (to run Zombie Run in Savage Worlds), but plan to return to my Hero Wars era game set in Carmania eventually.

Our group switched to HQ2 a long time ago and I am still adjusting my mindset to it's style of play. In general, the players in my group who tend not to let the rules get in the way of a good story like HQ2 while those who prefer the story to emerge from the interaction of rules and setting try to nay-say or nit-pick the rules to death. Since the majority of my players (including myself) fall into the former camp the others heave a heavy sigh and make the best of things.

That said, a lifetime of playing in the "story = rules*setting" style have subtly influenced our core assumptions of how a system is supposed to work, and we keep finding ourselves slipping back into the old way of thinking. It has been fun for me to keep challenging those assumptions and see where it takes our game. That's my personality, though. Others in my group are probably tired of hearing me debate with myself during play. :)

-Kevin McD

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Newt Newport <mrnewt_at_...> wrote:

> Hi all
> Just curious to know what people are doing with HeroQuest these days,
> especially now we've gone all generic with HQ2?
> In fact have people made the switch over to HQ2?
> <snip>

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