Re: Orlanth Chained

From: TTrotsky_at_...
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:32:06 EDT


<< I hope that people are going to be able to deal with new information rather than just rejecting it out of hand. I hope you find delight in surprise rather than despair. >>

    For myself, my initial reaction to surprises is neither one of delight nor despair, but rather one of... well, surprise. What my second reaction will be rather depends on a more detailed examination of the surprise in question, which in this case, presumably isn't going to be possible until Sartar Rising is released. I may decide "great, I can use this in my game", or I may decide that it makes no sense in my Glorantha / is no use for gaming group and campaign / whatever. I'll use it or not, as feels appropriate, but I won't make that judgement until I've read the details.

     Now, if there were a whole series of changes and plot twists that I didn't feel I could use, then I'd start feeling despair... but it's a little too early for that right now!


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