Re: Re: Ernalda Chained

From: Gerald Bosch <gbosch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 21:32:07 -0400


> Doburdun, the 7 Mums, and various other gods will have more worshippers
> than before.
> I think that many folks, when confronted with a deity who no longer does
> what he's supposed to do, will go to a cult which WILL provide them with
> the magic they need to survive. Especially when the kids are starving.
> Especially when the crops are dying.

True, but there are other (very human) possible reactions here, such as:

Blame the Lunars- "Our ways worked for generation upon generation, then everything got screwed up when the cursed Lunars arrived. Perhaps the winds will blow and the crops will flourish when properly fertilized with the blood of thousands of Lunar swine!"

Blame the neighbors- "Orlanth was with us until the (fill-in-the-blanks) did something we don't approve of, let's go get 'em!"

Fundamentalism (of sorts)- "We were fine, but then fell from the true path! If more men wore woad rather than decadent clothing during the winter, the winds might blow again!"

> Its easy to say one is brave and one would NEVER betray one's god like
> that but... when you're faced with the reality?

Many will certainly react this way, but not most, I think. Its very hard to turn away from the old ways in a society as firmly seated in its traditions as most on Glorantha. I think most would look for a way to fix the old ways rather than surrender to new ones. Also, do we even know if those who convert are having an easier time? Greg's position for Tatius of "They're just Provincials" might suggest that things suck for everyone and the Empire just doesn't care ("One phase passes into another, and this too will pass...

just some thoughts


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