Group composition

From: Richard, Jeff <jeff.richard_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 13:29:46 -0800

Here's the composition of the current Seattle Farmers' game:

Is your campaign set in Dragon Pass?

Do you plan on travelling elsewhere in the near term?
- Currently the players are in the service of Raus of Ronegarth and will
likely follow the travels dictated by the Borderlands campaign pack. However, I suspect that the players will travel to Sartar and maybe further destinations sometime in the future.

If relevant are your heroes working for or against the Empire?
- Generally speaking, the heroes are either resignedly neutral to the Empire
or conceptually hostile (but neutral in practice). Two heroes, a Vingan of Sartar's bloodline and a Culbrea refuge from Starbrow's Rebellion, are actively hostile to the Empire.

Is your players band still at home in the clan or wandering?
- They are wandering, however, they apparently intend to return to New Pavis
in the near future.

Are you set in a given year?
- Currently it is Storm Season, 1617. The campaign is intended to last well
into the 1630s.

Is your band mostly martial types or non-martial (healers,spies etc.)
- All the current heroes are martial, at least in part. However, they
include a Sword Sage (whose draconic lore is his most powerful asset) and the strongest day laborer in the history of New Pavis.

Do you have a defined villain?
- The campaign does not yet have a thematic villain, although the players
clearly have various individual foes and foils, ranging from Muriah, Queen of the Broos to Tarnak, the "mayor" of Weiss. One player claims General Fazzur Wideread as a foe, although I don't believe the good general is aware of this.

What are the ability ranges of heroes best abilities?
- 5W to 18W.

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