Re: Group composition

From: Peter Nordstrand <doctorpeace_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 01:00:10 +0100

D = Dundealos campaign
A = Aranwyth campaign

> Is your campaign set in Dragon Pass?

D: Yes.
A: Yes.
(Guess where!)

> Do you plan on travelling elsewhere in the near term
D: Yes, definitely. The tribe has just been wiped out, and the heroes are about to escape across the mountains to the Holy Country.

  1. The Heroes have decided to travel to Pamaltela in order to find the Hill of the One-eyed God (originally part of an ambigous reference on the part of Eric Nolander's character).

> If relevant are your heroes working for or against the Empire?
D: Againts!

  1. The heroes dislike the Lunars, like any right-thinking Orlanthi would, but the focus of the campaign is on other things.

> Is your players band still at home in the clan or wandering?
D: The wandering has just begun...

  1. Still at home.

> Are you set in a given year?

D: Yes. 1618
A: Yes. 1619.

> Is your band mostly martial types or non-martial (healers,spies etc.)
D: Two warriors, one lesser merchant, and a woman dedicated to the Knowing God.

  1. Steadfast Elmali Weaponthanes!

> Do you have a defined villain?

D: A callous Lunar assassin seems to have made quite an impression on the heroes.

  1. Not yet. But I have a feeling that the followers of the One-eyed God might become a recurring problem. Or perhaps a blessing? It is hard to tell with those ambigous references.

> What are the ability ranges of heroes best abilities?
A: 3w to 16w

B: 7w2 to 9w2

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