Re: Followers, what have you got ?

From: segolene <segolene.fausten_at_...>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 11:53:53 +0100

I ve got 6 players but
Just one follower and on a temporary basis : a joung orlanth's godi who wants to become priest.
The basmoli of this party had an intelligent lion (some kind of embodied spirit called TIKI) but the beast found that nothern ralios was to cold and not very attractive (no female !) and left.

Many PC have however good relations with several people and groups (most are secret societies or professionnal guilds) and may get some help (healing, gathering informations, watching goods and properties, ....) but this relatives and allies do not follow the group on adventure as bodyguards or battle field physicians.
In fact these NPCs can not travel as much as the PCs since they are responsible for their business, tribes, family... They are not adventurer, just ordinary people !

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