Re: Followers, what have you got ?

From: theunspokenword <hia15_at_...>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 12:51:16 -0000

Well, in Simon Bray's uz campaign, we each have a Value trollkin who is played by one of the other players.

My drumming Hombobobom shaman/wannabe musician has Bloater, the Chairuz, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and, indeed, entire membership of his fanclub. He's also just acquired a young warrior dark troll, having shamed him with a bitter harangue and drenched him in urine, thanks to the powers of the Big Bladder (don't ask).

Hulio the one-armed Great Troll has Mash, the Xiola Umbar healer with worryingly shaking hands (and various unpleasant pets). Lager the brewer has Greeter, who is the doorenlo at his Day Club (well, trolls would hardly frequent a night club, would they?) and miscellaneous helpers and servers. The ever-optimistic and never-successful Argan Argari entrepreneur has a daredevil enlo driver for his Karrg Beetle.

Not exactly an army, admittedly. But 'Collect Junk'? We uz call that 'Gather Snacks'!


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