Esrolian climate

From: julianlord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 11:41:22 -0000

(Nice Locations thread BTW)

Benedict Adamson :

> Does Esrolia have a drier, warmer climate than Sartar? I think so.

The Esrolian climate is mainly characterised by the struggle between the Heler rains and Elmal's sun.

Some years, it's dry and warm ; others, it's wet and rainy.

Rather than resembling southern Europe, I think that the Esrolian climate probably resembles that of a more temperate zone like, for example, central France, Galicia, or even Switzerland.

Think Bacharach : some years it's hot, sunny, and glorious ; others it's overcast and wet.

The Esrolian climate's certainly warmer than Sartar's, but I don't think it's drier.

So, I think that Esrolian villages would resemble Gallic or perhaps Gallo-Roman ones more than Mediterranean ones.

I'll stop now, before it gets too GDish.

Julian Lord

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