Re: hate postponies 3w6

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 19:26:59 -0600

On 1/10/2002 at 12:28 AM stefan.drawert_at_... wrote:
>Guy confused my with his conclusion
>> I'd rather know what's in the works, even if it has
>> to be postponed. It makes educated decisions possible for me.
>here I didn't get it...
>maybe my english...

It's probably MY English that got confused... I'm American, after all, and a Texan. ;-)

I simply meant that if I know what's coming out, I can use that knowledge to plan ahead.

Guy Hoyle (ghoyle1_at_...)
"I used to think, "Mind control satellites? No way!' But now, I can't remember what we did without 'em."

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