Esrolia question

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 01:19:23 +0200 (EET)

Here's one.

How much of the cultural info from Thunder Rebels is appropriate for Esrolia?

For instance. In my game one character is a son of a major trader family in Nochet. These people are de-facto nobility (though technically Thane's not Earls), and very wealthy and influental.

The son has been schooled to become a Garzeen merchant-priest, and has a real talent for languages. Is it normal for him to learn to read and write, or is that a monopoly of the Lankhor Mhy cult in Esrolia too?

Of course the lad can join a subcult of LM, and get it legitimately like that, but I just started to wonder that Nochet meight be a bit more cosmopolitan than 'ol Sartar.


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