Re: Re: seven mothers

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 21:24:38


>Cool, ta very much. So the grand stategy here is that the top god
>gets the chop and everyone else gets brought into the Big Tent?

That is not the Lunar Grand Strategy. Orlanth only gets the chop because he resists. Yelm, another top god, is quite happy in the big tent.

>was thinking that might be a reason to show some kind of neutrality,
>to curry favour with the locals.

There are many ways of currying favour with the locals other than being neutral. Since the Lunar Missionaries preach the goodness of the Empire is good and act as a arm of the Provinical Government, to adopt a position of neutrality vis-a-vis the Empire would be somewhat counterproductive.

>Or perhaps they are more like a
>mopping-up operation behind the lines, comforting the metaphysically
>traumatised after their temples have been burned and idols cast down?

The Lunars do not have a policy of destroying temples. They are hostile to Orlanth but his worshippers do not rely upon temples and idols to worship him.

>Sure. I was thinking that there was some doubt about their work,
>IIRC there is suspicion that their converts are not
>necessarily "proper lunars".

While the Seven Mothers cultists may lack deep Lunar insight, they are still Lunars.

>I was wondering if this translated into
>institutional hostility or something.

The Heartlanders disdain the provincial bumpkins if that's what you mean.

--Peter Metcalfe

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