Re: Enemy of my Enemy is my friend

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:42:05 -0000

> Then why attack Heortland. That place was so screwed from
> internal strife it who did it posed a threat too. And if the
> in Sartar are so fragmented how could they possible be a threat to
> te Empire.

Just because a bunch of disunited, bearded, mountain dwelling religious fanatics seem harmless, doesn't mean they are. Obviously any civilised nation has a responsibility to defend it's citizens. Of course everyone is upset about the need to discipline the hard liners, and images of them being dragged off in coffle gangs can be distressing, but those who co-operate will of course be well treated.

Clearly having pacified the mountain people, something needs to be done to bring stability to the whole region.

Simon Hibbs

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