RE: Re: 7 Mothers

From: bernuetz.oliver_at_...
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 12:47:45 -0500

I think it's pretty clear from the bat's freakish nature that it's chaotic, I mean it's bloody enormous, yet flies very slowly, is covered with eyes, glows, causes madness in people who get too close, is infested with strange vermin (including Lunars!) and makes all the Uroxi who are within sense chaos range sick because of the chaotic overload. Yep, it's nothing as natural as a dragon...

-----Original Message-----
From: morganconrad [mailto:morganconrad_at_...] Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 11:22 AM To:
Subject: Re: 7 Mothers

Mikko writes:

"Well, the bat was used in Sartar"

This is kind of a legalistic/pedantic question, but, to the average peasant, is the Bat clearly chaotic? Or just some big awesome monster? I mean, it flies, eats people, and does awesome things, but so do Dragons, and they aren't chaotic, right?

If it appears "chaotic" just cause it has all these strange powers, then the Hound and Argrath appear chaotic too.

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