Re: Re: spliting

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 06:57:35 -0700 (PDT)

To look at it another way, the clan structure of the Heortlings just doesn't support large populations well.  The clan ring is sort of a combination of representative government and rule by consensus.  The larger the population the harder it is to represent it all well, and the harder it is to form a consensus.

I admit that when it comes to splitting, I usually choose the least satisfied portion to split off, and do not give them land.  They resent us for it, but they are far away and weak :)  Occasionally if I have been aggressive about growing, and/or it is almost the end of the game, I'll split the tula and choose a happier split.  But usually land is in demand, and seizing more is always difficult (especially when hedged in by your own tribe), and will need to give land to the darned Telmori, so......usually send them far away.

Subject: Re: Re: spliting
Received: Monday, September 6, 2010, 1:41 PM


      On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 8:17 PM, <donmoody_at_...> wrote:

> David Dunham wrote:


> > On 6 Sep 2010, at 07:33, KingOfDragonPass_at_...m wrote:

> >

> >> Is there any way to stop my clan from dividing itself after

> >> having 1,100-1,300 people?

> >> Even when I choose the largest land possible, it still happens.

> >

> > No. Go with the flow.


> But I want to swim upstream.

> There are enough going weith the flow.

> Someone needs to buck that trend (i.e. be the exception that proves the

> rule).

Well, there is a way. Each time that people show up to complain,

either give them gifts or raid for more land. I don't remember how

much exactly, but I think I've gotten my population up to 2,000 -

3,000 or so this way.

Note that this will hit your clan morale hard. Though a big size will

also give you a lot of resources, so you can keep gifting people and

throwing feasts to compensate.                          

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