Re: Re: FOUNDATION DOC: Forces and Numbers

From: donald_at_...
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2004 00:42:48 GMT

In message <c2eb4g+5doa_at_...> "Jimbruce" writes:
>I hereby withdraw my quibbles concerning troop composition - this is
>something that others have obviously thought through carefully.
>Especially since I don't know a hoplite from a tea cosy. :)
>I'll attend to amending the overall numbers spreadsheet, but would
>someone like to stick their hand up to summarise the ideas presented
>about Lunar troop composition? It's not a topic I'm too familiar with.
>And there seems to be a concensus emerging about seriously upping the
>Lunar troop numbers.

I think I'm getting an idea of what the force should look like at different stages. I'll try and get a draft done in the next couple of days with a force composition at:

  1. The initial encounters.
  2. The first major assault.
  3. 1619/1620 with notes of specific arrivals and departures.
  4. 1621 the buildup to the final assault again with notes on specifics.

I'll keep descriptions as generic as possible so that narrators can fit individual units in to suit their game.

Donald Oddy

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