Re: Kathy

From: pmaclanderson <pmanderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 22:27:55 -0000

Do the words "cat's paw" ring a bell?

> In message <20050608184057.OOMK26865.aamta09-

> Teelo Nori, based on the meaning Kathy could be a name commonly
> adopted on entry into the cult. Her priority is helping those
> suffering from the war - maybe she runs a refugee camp near WW.
> The only problem is that the Teelo Nori cult is regarded
> suspiciously by many Orlanthi - they think the cult brainwashes
> orphans into the Lunar way.
> The only problem with this line of thought is that it gets her
> involved in the politics of both sides, and what's a nice girl
> like that mixing with rogues like Kallyr, Tatius and co.?

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