Re: Superstition

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_gls8bJPMUdnm-g8uNgVYtTnu7pw8pYp-SBs8bH6RTe6Xz8QxjpfljvfEUmuUG0V4SmR7OJt>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 14:50:28 -0800

YGWV Quoting Pete Darby <>:

> Oh sure, they're meaningless *here and now*, but maybe they used to work and
> were minor sacrifices to local Daimones in the place the tribe used to live,
> or they make occassional differences whenever a particular wandering essence
> is around... Or they're the remnants of pre-GL (or GL!) practices that the
> GL broke.

This is my point.
The Gloranthans can't tell if they are useless and meaningless, and so will obey these compeltely.
Which only makes it debatable whether they are superstitions or actual practices.

> Like RW supersitious beliefs or actions (I was saying good morning to the
> magpies on the way to work this morning), even if it doesn't work, it "can't
> harm", though I could see Malkioni equivalents of Randi and Dawkins rail
> against them.

Yes, absolutely. Expecially since, as even the HQ book says, the religion is plagued with non-Malkioni practices, etc.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA            

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