Power levels. Sartar, city gods, Emperor, Pharaoh...

From: valkoharja <rintasaa_at_cl41Qvv7dlmmcw6xmYbnOWMkldm4E3hr4Cd4QvDhnd9A313WdWvSE1Cm_YA8j66haTG>
Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 17:36:22 -0000

We have some rules that should help work out the answers to many of these questions, but I've not seen anybody do it yet.

Since my game is set before the fall of Sartar, I'd like to know how powerful the flame of Sartar was, and what sort of magic one could get from worshipping him/it.

I assume Sartar was a heroic level magician. Larnste change magic at w3 level. Then he get's a whole lot of people to support his ascension (not the right word, but I can't remember the proper one now) and becomes a wyter for the whole kingdom of Sartar.

Sartar had been crowned the King of Dragon Pass, which propably has a lot of magical significanse. He received some worship from the whole kingdom of 100.000+ people.

What strength does this give him? Is he a wyter, a hero or a minor god, and is there a difference?

In the same way I'd like to figure out where Belintar the Pharaoh fits on a similar power scale. I assume that by making himself the living god of Kethaela he has tied himself to the land (and sea). While he still inhabits a living body (and not a flame) he still propably couldn't leave the borders of his land, or at least would be severely weakened if he did.

In the same way I've been wondering about the Red Emperor. He is essentially a mortal, and not a god, I assume. For all their power gods have severe limitations, and the emperor needs to be flexible. I would assume that he's physically in peak condition, because of the energies of the moon, an excellent (but not heroic) fighter and a master magician. He can propably draw on the moons power to work truly great magic.

Despite all that I'd say the emperor is a bit more vulnerable than many people would think. He's gotten hurt and killed quite often over the centuries, and seems to be a bit overconfident.

As for stats... I'd say he's around 10w2* in skills dealing with physical violence, and 10w3 in personal magical skill and power. When he draws on the moon his magic is propably a mastery higher than that.

All the above are rough attempts for stats that would reflect the history (and future history) as seen in the sources.


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