Re: Initiates [was part of Re: Make up new Gods, dang it!]

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_TsaWax8O0Q9Y_5UIsJr6LSMZvDyt9OlJUquA3gPrkEtidFpfAd0XzDIV4aZF-JFYKmhvHcH>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 07:32:13 -0700

OK, I have to jump in here after all.


>> > I have difficulty with the idea that a pre-industrial society
>> > should have anything like 10% of the adult population being
>> > specialists.

First, initiates are not "specialists" in the definition that they would be pulled out of the labor force, which is how I wold define specialists.
And where "labor force" = farmers or other food production.

Farmers initiate to farming gods. They are not specialists.

> An initiate with a 'job' is committed to around 60%

This is what made me jump in.
Where does this 60% come from?
An initiate spends 30% of his time in worship.

> So, having a fair number of devotees is normally fine, even good.
> Their specialized magic makes them good at what they do, and if the
> clan needs people doing what it is that they do, the clan comes out
> ahead. The cost comes when you need flexibility, and you have a lot
> of your leading figures as devotees, and they just do not have as much
> flexibility.

That is correct. it is why devotees are rare.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA            

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