Flame of Sartar, reign of a King of Dragon Pass

From: jorganos <joe_at_ywQ1ZKS7UNVUYWAGvqP6WwWIWHHoR8spga-TB6N5eIz-pUT4aiGovevZclndCalzavcsyUg.>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:41:24 -0000

Ian Cooper:
>> 3: The inaugaration has ritual elements: regalia, lighting the
>> flame. Like all rituals some elements may help it to succeed better;
>> others may be mandatory. 

> I disagree with the "lighting the flame" bit.

That's right. Before the flame went out, the prospective prince had to be presented to the flame and prove its acceptance. Quite likely by creating a visible change in the flame without using obvious mundane or magical methods (like a gust of wind).

> Before the dragonewt
> mercenaries curse the Flame of Sartar with some weird power in 1602 ST
> the flame never went out.

First time I see/hear the dragonewts blamed for extinguishing the flame. The usual theory is that Lunar magic was responsible.

One might want to narrow this down to an interest group within the Lunar Empire. If so, I would put forward Moirades of Tarsh, a renowned magician, versed in the sovereignty rites of the Pass region (he isn't King of Dragon Pass for nothing) and possibly with a superior authority as King of Dragon Pass.

Moirades seems to have outlived his Feathered Horse Queen. When she died, was he still King of Dragon Pass? If so, could an Argrath become King of Dragon Pass before his demise in Argrath's Tarsh campaign?

CHDP (ever unreliable with year numbers for this time) has 1629 for the marriage of (an) Argrath with Reaches All, which may have made him (directly, or after two years of proving himself) King of Dragon Pass. So how are the wooing of the FHQ and the Tarsh campaign interwoven?

1629 appears to be the year when Harrek slays Kallyr. At the very least, it is the year when the Wolf Pirates raid Ethilrist's treasures in Muse Roost. However, Harrek does not seem to be personally involved in the Tarsh campaign (Mularik leads some Wolf Pirates, or otherwise personal retainers who had followed him from Seshnela).

1629-1631 is when Moirades dies (according to CHDP Sartar, and agreeing with Minaryth Blue).

The only King of Dragon Pass rites told in any detail are those of Sartar. He marries the FHQ and lives with her people for a year, working his magic there, fathering Yorestina. Then the FHQ lives with the Quivini for a year, giving birth to Saronil. Afterwards, Sartar emerges as victor of this contest and becomes sovereign.

Tarkalor is the next KodP. Apart from him overcoming the suit of Phargentes, we don't know much about what went on there. (Dates for any of Tarkalor's activities are extremely fuzzy.)

Moirades wins his FHQ through the riches from exporting maize downriver to the lowlands, and by bringing some songbird (back?) to the Pass.

We don't know whether these two had to contest for superiority with their respective queens, or if so, whether it took 2 years as per Sartar. However, if it took two years, just possibly the death of Moirades could have been part of the contest if it took place after the marriage of Argrath with the FHQ. Thoughts?            

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