Re: How best to learn about God Learners

From: Jamallo Kreen <jamallokreen_at_3lvP6CdyGdyPfUHEPICm1pT0dfJD9kQXXBPejtzaOQzzCdCZZsgjWgzgHAqgL1Z>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 23:54:23 -0000

(snip, snip, snip)

> >
> > I'm in far better shape with "Jrustela" and "The Second Age," because
> > has recommended the former (which is in my shopping cart
> > already), and may have also recommended the latter,
> Those recommendations are based on prior sales to other customers, not
> an intelligent review of the contents. Amazon recommends things it
> suspects it can sell you, not necessarily things that would actually
> be useful or relevant.
> Grimmund

I date back to the days of programming with a #2 pencil; I am capable of manipulating to my own advantage. I'm also capable of manipulating it so that some odious product is less likely to be recommended to other shoppers, hopefully speeding the demise of the said product, or perhaps prompting massive price cuts advantageous to me as sellers try to empty their shelves of a product which is a millstone around their necks. <insert meaningful cough with undercurrent of "4.$$$$$$ 'deluxe' edition">

I think I mis-presented my reason for studying the God Learners, or I have failed to express myself clearly. I don't intend to actually *run* Glorantha, I want to cannibalize that Second Age God Learning and allow my hubris-ridden character to "research" it with the vast means at his disposal.

I do understand the concept of questing in Myth. Several publishers have produced books in which *planes* (the cosmic kind, not the one EADS can't deliver) may have mythological elements to a greater or lesser degree. What I have inferred from that is that a PC "becomes" a figure in a myth which is on an endless loop; the God Learner desire to *change* those mythological worlds is what fascinates me. If I can understand what they did (or were trying to do), their work will inform the future flow of the campaign which I am running in the Forgotten Realms, where once, long ago, there was a certain ... ah ... *awkwardness* called "The Dawn Cataclysm" which resulted in a Greater Goddess literally dividing into two separate, antithetical deities. <insert meaningful cough with undercurrent of "Star Trek, the TV series">

There exists a novel in which one of the current Greater Gods (who had loved the pre-Cataclysmic, undivided goddess), endeavors to reunite the two halves back into the whole which he had once loved. The results are, as sages of matters Gloranthan might guess, rather ... ah ... *different* than what he had intended, just as whatever it was that the God Learners did failed to work as they had planned. I could very easily picture my PC playing the part of one of the God's mortal henchpeople, but that would only be logical if my PC had somehow accumulated vast lore about the deities themselves which made him useful to the project design. Accumulating such knowledge has a tendency to transform a mere human's brain into so much Jello(TM) pudding in most game settings, which is an outcome I'd prefer to avoid for MY character. I want him and the other characters to leave this upcoming fiasco, older, wiser, and -- preferably -- not _feebleminded_. ;)

I really do appreciate all of the input that I am receiving on this subject from the group members. Thank you all very much!

I have repeatedly considered having my character become a "Necrotheologist," a prestige class student of dead gods and all which pertains to them. (The class was devised by Monte Cook, who wrote the AD&D module "Dead Gods," so it's not as silly a concept as it sounds as it sounds). Those experience levels would be an ideal time for my character to "surmise" or "discover" (or possibly have "revealed" to him) knowledge which would be, in essence, the God Learner's plans and deeds -- but with different names attached so that I don't step unwarily into bailiwicks Gloranthan and Hero- and Rune-Questian where *I* know diddly squat. "Master of Realmslore"? Nu. "Master of the Staffordian (et al.) Mythiverse" ... not in the least! Your help is therefore deeply appreciated.            

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