On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 10:27 AM, markmohrfield <markmohrfield_at_ECnaUm8VTlDjzNY50hpk7kPylRJ5FI1Sw9bofF90Lc8lWvPa10fzCDQqX2uOZgVc9C4AmX9x5ZeSsKUPoRI.yahoo.invalid> wrote:
> --- In WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com, "Sam Elliot" > I haven't the
> foggiest idea what KISS means and if I'm not mistaken,
>> it was introduced as part of an argument about the use of jargon.
>> Perhaps this is illustrative.
> Keep It Simple, Stupid!
Thanks but I think I prefer the black and white makeup Humakti thing I
had going.
I mean, the phrase does rather speak for itself.