I'm sure that both Mongoose and Moon Design would be happy to get submissions from female authors - the problem is getting the women to send book ideas in!
You want to see more women writing? Well, Alison, there *is* something *you*
can do...
(And no, "I can't write" is probably not true - I bet you actually can, once
you decide to do it. And anyway, that's what editors, writing workshops and
your own game groups are for - to help you get your ideas out and in
publishable form. On the other hand, "I don't have time to write" may be
true or not, I don't know your situation :-) )
It doesn't even have to be a full book submission - it may be that one or both of the companies are/could be open to compilatioon books, with different authors working on different chapters (that format works well for un-connected scenarios, cults, etc.). I know a lot of writers who got their start by working on a single chapter of a book, instead of trying to write a whole book out of the starting gate. (Okay, I *did* write a whole book as my first work, and it was crap, but still, my contributions in the last 10 years have been bits and pieces, not whole volumes).
He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad
R. Sabatini, Scaramouche
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