Who is Tosti Runefriend?

From: Prince B <chrphrgrv_at_6nEVbILMI0v6n_-nJ5Jx3dW264z35i80mOfeDezl7RLSXZralBXwFqedhnvkwVzfDy>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 19:15:23 -0000

I believe I have heard him mentioned in passing here and there. And the original 'White Bear Red Moon' (a great wargame, actually more fun than its offspring) had a Steady State Magician counter named after him. I assume he is a Sartarite.

I always loved this name and in the old days I used him as an NPC-I believe in conjunction with the old Gateway 'Militia and Mercenaries'.

If no one can hold forth on him I am also interested in being pointed to any publication that may shed some light.            

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