Re: Sneaking into a rokari mass / reading : your opinions

From: hcarteau_at_15iQvphWBlt-5nl_kkIpvBJyRYRbbCl58zm0Av0QEI_qnQLFvqg8rRDaLhkRYfh1Zui
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 20:33:33 +0100

Selon Peter Metcalfe <>:

> wrote:
> > And how would you play this, rules-wise, to spice up the moment and make
> the player sweat in expectation and fear ?
> The local priest starts casting a spot sinner spell to see the worst sin
> in his congregation.

§§§ Ooh, that's a good one too. Exactly the kind of tense moment I like to offer the players. I can feel it already, the building tension, a roll of drums (or equivalent), and the dreaded "and the winner is..." and it falls on a guy at the back who had fallen asleep during mass because he had been worked to the bone by his lord. And he gets beaten up.            

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