How do malkioni count ?

From: hcarteau_at_ugmXfHbDOnz_Vs1xBfxEZFzTl8zf3NoAccQGKMxaPd_DMchezvTfofSlTnWgmt0ZC8p
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:16:55 +0200

Working on fleshing out Fay Jee, its craftsmen and merchants, I realized I don't know how do they count. Is it a decimal, duodecimal system or something else ? What is said about that in the Abiding Book ? Did Malkion say anything about that subject ? After all, numbers are very important for the expression of Logic.

What's your take on this ?

Also, are there opinions about how heortling (and other orlanthi), esrolians and other civilized cultures handle numbers ? I'm pretty sure the lunar system is based on multiples of seven and the dara happan system is decimal. But how do the kralori and teshnan do it ?            

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