Re: The Thing With Many Bodies

From: In_a_flat_field <beautychokes_at_eTyxgI7NZQ85T2amnX2C-46P0C6BpK8Tb1j1Abj6_C4gitj1uWnu0Y2YcHMoAc4>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 20:07:34 -0000

I've certainly got a lot of food for thought. I like the notion that it's ingrained into the clans psyche. As the laws of physics define our world and our existance, so do the myths and tales of Glorantha define that world and its inhabitants very reason for being. I'll see what spin I can put on it (I'm thinking that it has some kind of fertility connection. I'm all for infiltration...what about the wombs of the clans women?) , but I really appreciated reading the learned community's take on the matter! ;) For me, this sense of a deep body of esoteric lore represents Glorantha's most potent attraction.

 Thankyou all.  

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