Re: So what's SOLACE to a rokari ?

From: Nick the Nevermet <nick.the.nevermet_at_kpM_lTTVquoxsjM1v9KxVJ09nOVpu4cOiAA120_caBGm4RbW2BoJ0m5Yam>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 20:54:22 -0000


Thanks. I'm slowly realizing that by trying to figure out forms of Malkionism, I'm developing one or two utterly heretical forms in the back of my head gradually. This amuses me more than it should.

> Rokari largely reject veneration of teachers, heroes, and holy folk,
> with the notable exception of Rokar and Pascandal.

Interesting. So, wait, now I'm confused. Let's say there are two Dronari Associations, one is Rokari and the other is The Most Holy and Hypothetical Church (MoHoHy for short).

The MoHoHy Church has tons of saints, and so, the MoHoHy Dronari Association has a patron Saint. The Rokari Association, assuming it is not heretical, probably does not have a saint attached to it. Let's say both associations are for butchers, and as a result both associations would train its members in how to properly butcher animals, and this training would inevitably include spells.

So, the Rokari association offers spells but not attached to a Saint.

I would imagine more than one Hrestoli looked at Rokarism and see something akin to sorcery. There's no Joy, and Solace isn't an existential state, so God is REALLY Invisible. Additionally one's religious/magical knowledge isn't necessarily filtered through the persona of a Saint.

....Have I gone off the rails somewhere?            

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