Castes in the Trader Prince culture (long)

From: hcarteau_at_8jt5ktyF2YT_7rR-vDa7ys9gfOWwISiI2LlFSKUi7xLSjsTpJLDZLXXDWr5pvlH7sHg
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2011 14:54:39 +0100

(the following words come from the mouth of Watcher Anton du Derysi, Watcher of the Church of Ashara in the Trader Prince city of Fay Jee. He pronounced them around 1622 in a discussion with a visiting safelstran trader)

I have heard of the debates between wise men of the west about castes, what Malkion meant by dividing men according to their roles, about the power of the zzaburi and the dangers of their station. I see every day how several churches handle such affairs in our very city : the rokari, the navigationalists, even the aeolians. But the Church of Ashara handles these matters differently.

There is no God but God and Ashara is His Prophet.

Ours in an ancient sect, as Ashara, son of Kachast, Grandson of Malkion, led his people moving around the world and talked to all, discovering that there were many beings in the world, and most could be talked to and negotiated with. He dutifully brought back this knowledge to Malkion, who was strengthened by it in His Martyrdom. A few of Ashara's followers stayed in this world after Malkion and his Household, including Ashara, ascended into Solace.

In these days, the talari were speakers to foreigners first. They handled any discussions with other folks, often to mutual benefits for all. They came to know the world around them ; their people respected their courage and insight to dare face barbarians, pagans and even krjalki. They became leaders of their communities.

Ashara is Movement and Exchange, going out into the world to discover it and spread concord. This is not the way of zzaburi ; our talari already knew our laws and applied them wisely. They also saw around them what happened when zzaburi influenced their community : strict, staid adherence to static laws that stiffled Sacred Exchange. Our talari thus ordained we would have no zzaburi. They would lead us ; Horali would protect us and Dronari would feed, clothe and equip us. We were an active sect, going out in the world, bringing useful things to other malkioni. We did not support arrogant, dusty zzaburi lost in empty speculations. We also embraced some of Hrestol's Teachings, that the truly deserving could rise above the station of his birth through his deed and virtues. For us, all men can rise to positions of greatness.

In the first age, our Talari's Communication Spells made them some of the first do discern the nybie's great lies, and later Arkat's greatest lie. All these were thieves at heart, they did not respect the Virtuous Exchange, and perished for it. This showed that pure men coud lead our community wisely without coucil of zzaburi.

We rejoiced when the Abiding Book came to us, and studied it with great enthusiasm for it held many Truths we knew of old, and new ones which exalted us. And we fell very hard when the malkionera church went mad, and sorcerers plundered them myths of our allies of old, and withered our essences when we protested. The old Church of Ashara vanished when Slontos sank.

Caselain rediscovered Ashara a mere century after that. He was a talar of deep faith and understanding, and Saw the message of God. He set on his Great Trekk with horali and dronari, descendants of Old families. He met ancient allies and rekindled old bonds, and made new ones with people of all kinds. His works did reforge our Church in this new era. His Travelogue is our Holy Book today. In it you will find how Caselain instruced his caravan, and that means us, his whole people, how it - society - had to be organized and we should all behave. Talari, Horali and Dronari stood united in their faiths ; even the lowest dronar could rise to great insight and riches if he worked diligently to spread the word of God.

So speak not of zzaburi. They are arrogant at their core, too bloated with their precious knowledge and laws, blind to the plight of the World around them. They sit all day longs in churches and libraries and do spread the Word of God. We have no place for them in our hearts.

There is no God but God and Ashara is His Prophet. Praise Caselain the Revealer.


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