Much of my knowledge of Gloranthan zoology comes from manuscripts written by Isidore of Laufol, a contemporary of Ocron Overseer, the well-known God Learner naturalist whose binomial nomenclature revolutionized Western natural history.
However, where Overseer was a strict materialist, almost the archetypal God-Learner, concerned only with the physical and ancestral relationships between animals, Isidore was a stout Seshnegi Traditionalist, who saw the physical world as a great text, a moral lesson to mankind writ by the hand of the Invisible God for all to see. He drew from Zzabur's /Blue Book/ as much as Overseer did, but Isidore also referenced many of the parables in /The Abiding Book/ as well as a number of partial texts recovered by the New Viymorni Schools in the former Empire of Chir.
Overseer and Isidore's scholastic rivalry is legendary in the handful of the Universities that still openly acknowledge God-Learner contributions to learning.
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