Yes, this is worth repeating. For game purposes, all the people of the western Glorantha highlands worship a god called Orlanth. An Orlanth worshipper from Heortland can go to Oranor (in Fronela) and participate in the ceremonies to their Orlanth with minimal trouble.
Of course, the people in Dragon Pass speak a different (albeit related) language from the peoples in Talastar, Ralios, or Fronela, and have lots of different names for that god (just as the Latins and the Greeks recognized they worshiped the same King of the Gods but gave him different names). But for game purposes, there is no point in calling one Orlanth, another Visturlanth, another Worlanth, and another the Storm That Squats On Mount Skyron. So we call the god Orlanth in the game books.
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