Nybie poisoner or innocent victim ?

From: hcarteau_at_1kcKqRCZpaOmtX4DOwBJPmf1UzxZhYDPdkFRvOEt-ntj5GPyMsr3fq4Taj7iLr0q6yI
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 22:47:48 +0200

> Finally, Arkat. Arkat is everywhere in Safelster. Every city has its Arkat
> cults; usually two or more Arkat cults with mutually inconsistent claims.
> Some hold Arkat to be a god and offer him divine sacrifices; others venerate
> him as a Teacher; others contemplate him and seek release from the sufferings
> of the world; and still others propitiate him as a Devil. In some cities, one
> (and sometimes more!) Arkat cult enjoys the patronage of the city itself.

///Reading this got me thinking : we know a lot about Arkat but not much about what got him going.

Why in hell did the nybies, from Dorastor and Peloria, did got all the way down south to convert people who had had no part in the God Project, then poison them with disease, create vampirs etc ? Did Bright Nysalor really knew of this venture ? Was he/she aware of these vile deeds ? And if he wasn't, then the Arkat killed an innocent, and destroyed countless lives and cities to do it, while said innocent was trying his best to protect him/herself.

Who exactly began the "nybie" mess in malkioni lands ?            

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