Re: The Paps

From: Guy Hoyle <guy.hoyle_at_n_RsS0T27iPlm25mBsUhNTnBoMY6mGWTPHq33x854R0x9K2HEJW8QhkgpiPdkYQiqM>
Date: Sun, 1 May 2011 23:22:54 -0500

Doesn't the old "Borderlands" campaignpack include a trip to the Paps?


On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 10:37 PM, Keith <> wrote:

> I did a bit of work on the Paps in 831 S.T. which might be useful to you,
> depending on what you're after.
> Contact me offline.
> Keith
> >
> > So I'm running a campaign based on a Praxian tribe, and I've been sort of
> surprised by how little has been published on the Animal Tribes compared to
> how much exists for Pavis, the Zola Fel Valley, and Sartar. Nomad Gods, RQA
> 3, Tales 13 and 14 and Drastic: Prax are most of what I know of, along with
> small bits in a few other things like Borderlands, Different Worlds, Worm's
> Footnotes, and so on. That's both nice (because I've got freedom to do what
> I want) and frustrating (because I can't be lazy and just steal material).
> >
> > In particular, there doesn't seem to be much about the Paps (where I'm
> pretty sure the PCs will wind up going), so I thought I'd see if there's
> anything out there about it, or if I need to write it up myself. Obviously
> the write-up of the cult of Eiritha provides some information, and the brief
> description of it in Biturian Varaosh and I know there are some Babeester
> Gori there and the Serpent Guardians. Is there anything else known about who
> or what is at the Paps?
> >
> > Andrew
> >

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