Malkioni Caste

From: Jeff <richaje_at_S0gLJjMP76ohYGGquqr7ryUPKYgdqesN-M0LHDMiC9NUYWNyf37B_3sHLJuw-gPkI0ug>
Date: Mon, 02 May 2011 07:57:10 -0000

One thing that Hrestoli, Rokari, Brithini, and Idealists all agree with (but that many Arkati reject) is the division of human society into four castes, each with its own specific functions and secret insights. Where they disagree is how rigid those castes are and how much caste mobility is permitted.

Brithini - very rigid caste distinctions, no caste mobility, period. Rokari - rigid caste distinctions (especially for the talars and wizards), very limited caste mobility (especially for the talars and wizards) Hrestoli - strong caste distinctions, caste mobility for exceptional individuals; the spiritual elite (Men of All) are above all castes. Idealists - all start as workers and members of higher castes have worked their way up.

This can have some bizarre permutations. For example, in some areas, only the nobles and wizards are dedicated Malkioni; the warriors and farmers are polytheists who do not consider themselves to be a "caste". Caste mobility might exist; but a trumped up warlord or adventurer demanding to be recognized as a noble probably has to publicly embrace Malkionism and accept wizard advisors before he gains any recognition of the status by his new peers.


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