She was always an extreme goddess, a fearsome and monstrous one. My difficulty with the current writeup is nothing to do with her being transgressive or frightening.
Rather, it has to do with her changing from being a goddess of terrifying passion, to a hate filled empty robot. RQ BG appeared to invoke fearsome goddesses like Sekhmet, Kali, or the Morrigan, goddesses of rage capable of horrific destruction, but also other passions.
HeroWars Babeester Gor are more like Daleks, with no emotional range at all, and precious little mythic resonance. Goddesses like Sekhmet and Kali (both of whom share the 'drunk on the blood of the slain, begins a destructive rampage' motif) have a strong ecstatic element, and a strong association with the passions of life as well as death. Remove that ecstatic element by removing any capacity to feel positive emotion, and instead of the frightening but transformative possibilities of ecstatic uncontrolled passion, the drunk on beer story sounds more like the empty bitter loathing fuelled rage of the angry alcoholic.
Cheers Dave
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