Re: Query: Black Horse County language

From: hcarteau_at_qI7dMTyKQcT4Ww1y45tVd_I3Go-ckjp2PBrq-Wb4xP5STGJdjxZIGRKIildp2KqHa5s
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 21:06:00 +0200

Selon Richard Hayes <>:  
Do other Malkioni know about Black Horse County and accept the Atroxic Church as a valid alternative?
/// They don't even know it exists - except maybe the old slontan "church" and
the asharans ("Trader Princes") who now rule what's left of Slontos.

Would other Malkioni churches think the Atroxics were heretics if they did know a little (or a lot?) about them?
/// Depends which sect we're talking about, but the two Big Ones (rokari and
irensavalists) would mark them as heretics. Come to think of it, so would many henotheists.

As for the term "Church" in Glorantha, is it best understood simply as a title that some Malkioni sects give to themselves to sound important?
/// It's a good POV. Malkioni philosophy is organized in schools (scola) or
sects. When they get really successful, they get the trappings we (21st century RWorlders) think of when we think of a Church : hierarchy, unified credo, etc.

If Glorantha still has these, do the  grand Councils which debate Malkionism (like the one portrayed in the old free-form "How the West was One"), have anything to say about who may or may not call themselves a church?
/// Ah, this Dear Old Sacred Text did hold many heresies in the light of the New
Malkioni Culture Jeff has been working on. But the Councils have always been absolute messes : half of them ended with murders and wars anyway. There has been no agreement on any common, uniting belief since the you-know-who.            

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