Re: Historical Map of Genertela, Part II: 250 ST.

From: David Cake <dave_at_EEYQ5IHjIuuZTMeS-2L_NEbPn3vqMANx2t72KXTQKzRt5ypWF_wOg_mMNkl3exMuirhGSy9>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 14:08:44 +0800

	What is that line joining Dorastor with the settlements in Ralios?
	The rise of Dara Happa is of course very obvious. Interested 
that the Blue Moon trolls don't seem to have had their territory reduced at all, though - I would have expected them to have at least been dislodged from around the Thunder Delta.

        Also interesting to see the way the forests have changed around the Brolia/Talastar region. Most other forests apart from the Tallgreen remain relatively static in size, but this (fairly lightly documented, especially in the first age) region sees aggressive forest expansion, mostly Mreli but some Vronkali expansion as well. Presumably this area was the centre of the Green Wars?

        The loss of the Tallgreen so completely and so quickly is enormous. This must have been an incredible tragedy for the Aldryami, suggests there was more to this story.

        Also interesting that the horse nomads of Pent seem to be settled in quite long term stable clusters, even though they are nomadic (obviously) and these clusters don't correspond to any known landmarks. That probably says more about the abysmal level of knowledge in published sources about Pentan geography, though - is there a map anywhere with more than the very sparse G:CotHW one? There is no clustering around, for example, the Hellcrack or Orathorn*


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