Re: Blue Moon and Blood Kings

From: hcarteau_at_392_wx5kBAsUo2Qkf76Q7brEoMM8qnDknZjd7kB_5-LHicdGxr9PpwWM2mPpCZkbMnd
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2011 17:51:11 +0200

Selon Richard Hayes <>:

> I am afraid what little I know of the Third Eye Blue is from the old Apple
> Lane-- where it is an obscure  foreign metalworkers cult.
/// Grandmother Orfeda moves her childrend to move in mysterious ways. Some go very far, some lose their way. Who knows the purpose of the degenerate goat-sucker in Apple Lane.

Is it possible that the Third Eye Blue cult could be an old-fashioned Blue Moon cult of some kind, with no interest in the Red Moon? /// Indeed it is. It is much, much older than the red upstart.

> If so couldn't M. Carteau and Jorganos both be right?
/// Please call me Herve. As for who is "right", She knows.
> Alternatively did the Emperor played Ravenkaaz with "the bastard daughter of
> the Blue Moon" in Kitor for some other reason, and the fact that Kitor also
> played host to a big Third Eye Blue temple was a complete coincidence?
/// Do you believe in coincidences that big ? You show the promise of feeling Her touch, Her web around the world. Open your mind. Feel the energies Flow. They coalesce in Kitor.
> Whilst we are on the subject of coincidences, is there any link between the
> city of Kitor and the mysterious Kitori in Kethaela? If so, does this involve
> the Blue Moon as well?

/// Wow. Hadn't thought about that one. OK, let's think about it. "Kitor" is after all the name Piku and his clan, the first inhabitants of this place, loooong before the carmanians, gave to this place. So "Kitor" is a zaranistangi game. Perhaps the name of one of Orfeda's descendants, who settled the place after Piku ?
Now there is Varoz Kitor, faaaar to the south, who makes an alliance with Uz at the same mythical time maybe. Perhaps he was a lost cousin ? Perhaps he did ally with Uz through the Blue Moon connection ?            

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