Re: Blood Kings

From: Jeff <richaje_at_leAcLCIU5CAWkO1stLgei_b7ctv3ykINSiK_7ULKM8dsFsYGBWiKTPNz1n1RHdswXm7M>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 11:14:44 -0000

> > Thank you
> > Is it possible that there is some links with what is hidden in chargg?
> > Like carmanian traditionalists ?
> Fronela was isolated by the Ban as late as the Fifth Wane, so at this time Charg definitely would have harbored traditionalist refugees from Carmania.

I wouldn't be so definite about saying "definitely". It is worth noticing that prior to the Ban, Charg was a major Orlanthi kingdom (and never a haven of Carmanian loyaltists). How welcoming they were to Carmanian refugees is debatable.  


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