Re: The Dragon Betrayal of 1042 ST

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_ryf0IIYhtbBgK65sM-piBHYB5PAVCTKqthjJvwRBrqiLNjtzKwlJPehU8ZhlbiR_>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 07:40:44 -0700 (PDT)

> From Godunya's Kralorelan point of view, this may have been a test run to get rid of Shang Hsa. Does anybody have an idea how or rather why

> the planet Lokarnos/Wagon was tied into this? It started slowing down in 927, a year which also saw the siege of Pavis by Jaldon. In 940 Jaldon
> returns, eating his way through the walls - after inspiration from the Plateau of Statues, which happened to be the refuge where Godunya meditated.
> "crazed dental mystic" - maybe there is more to the "mystic" than I would have credited Jaldon with before.
And exactly what is the skeletal beast called Home that Jaldon rides? If the Praxians could identify it as one of their animals, presumably they would.  
I definitely think there's a lot more to Jaldon. I don't think he's a tool of Godunya, though. If so, his people would not have been eaten in the Dragon Kill.  

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