It appears that Godunya had something to do with this:
"A schism between the two draconic powers grew increasingly violent until a true dragon was summoned, which promptly devoured the council which did not support Godunya's teaching."
Basically, from the draconic point of view, 1042 seems to be a purging of the failed draconic mystics (whether "short cuts" or "common worshippers") and a communal utuma opportunity for the true mystics. (Tough on those who failed... but no one ever said there was a guarantee for mystic insight.)
>From Godunya's Kralorelan point of view, this may have been a test run to get rid of Shang Hsa. Does anybody have an idea how or rather why the planet Lokarnos/Wagon was tied into this? It started slowing down in 927, a year which also saw the siege of Pavis by Jaldon. In 940 Jaldon returns, eating his way through the walls - after inspiration from the Plateau of Statues, which happened to be the refuge where Godunya meditated. "crazed dental mystic" - maybe there is more to the "mystic" than I would have credited Jaldon with before.
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